Contests / Caffè Diemme New Logo Creation / Brief
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Caffè Diemme New Logo Creation
closed : 13 May 22
1149 entries
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13 May 22

New graphic design contest on Caffè Diemme and Desall invite you to design a new company logo that is elegant and modern at the same time and which clearly convey the brand’s attention to both tradition and innovation.
Company description
Diemme Industria Caffè Torrefatti S.p.A. is a well-established coffee roasting company based in Albignasego (Padua), Italy. Since its inception, the company has been characterized by a deep passion for the world of coffee as well as a marked attention towards research and innovation, both of which guide the development of the business. From 1927 to date, three generations of the Dubbini family have led the evolution of the company, spreading the pleasure and culture of good coffee to over 40 countries of the world.
The historical brand Caffè Diemme has accompanied Diemme Industria Caffè Torrefatti from its foundation and is still used today as the company continues to evolve. With Caffè Diemme began the entrepreneurial history of the Dubbini family, a history now three generations long. Over the years, the solidity of the family tradition and values have been complemented by an ability to generate innovative products and services that add value to the world of the coffee experience. Caffè Diemme caters to those professionals who seek a trustworthy, reputable partner with a primary role in the promotion of the culture of quality coffee. The advantages produced by the latest technologies employed coexist with the traditional soul of the company and the flexibility that characterizes its partnerships. Beside a healthy productive chain, Caffè Diemme offers the highest standard equipment and materials to support retail activities, as well as key consultancy, marketing and educational services, the latter being provided by the Diemme Academy – one of the most advanced learning and skill development institutions in Italy.
All of this is possible thanks to a well-established tradition and experience, tried and tested along the years with openness and a willingness to share knowledge and, of course, the primary value at the heart of the company: passion for coffee and innovation – this is what makes us so competitive.
What we are looking for
The brief is available in the following languages:
- Italian
- English
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Caffè Diemme invites you to design a new company logo that conveys the values and characteristics of the company and brand while ensuring the highest level of legibility.
The current logo and additional images relative to branded communication can be found in the material files downloadable from the official contest page.
For more information about the brand Caffè Diemme you can visit where you can find details about the main brand and some of the sub-brands.
The brand “Caffè Diemme” indicates the main, historical brand of the company and a range of blends in beans, ground coffee blends and coffee capsules. The object of this contest is the brand Caffè Diemme. Its sub-brands - “Torrefazione Dubbini”, “Gli speciali” and “Artisti del Caffè” - are not the objects of this contest.
For the correct realisation of your proposals, please take into consideration the following guidelines:
Characteristics of the new logo
The new logo should exude a sense of elegance and, at the same time, modernity. It should be able to represent the company in its entirety as a structured entity that pursues Research and Development activities, applies innovative technologies to production processes, runs an in-house learning center, all while being rooted in a long family tradition as well as being oriented towards becoming a trusted partner in high-stake projects. The proposed logo should reflect the characteristics mentioned above and convey a strong sense of credibility.
Caffè Diemme is a family-run Italian company in the coffee-roasting industry boasting over 100 years of history that cannot be forgotten or overlooked. This history is at the heart of Caffè Diemme’s continuity, trustworthiness, reputation, experience, tradition and professionalism that have been acquired over the years - crucial values that are passed on from generation to generation.
At the same time, Caffè Diemme embodies the concepts and best practices pertaining research, innovation, service, vocation for partnership building, flexibility, learning, and internationalization.
In short, Caffè Diemme is characterized by the heart of the craftsman and the mind of the entrepreneur. Your proposal should be able to communicate such concepts and duality.
Requested elements
1) Logo:
- The proposed logo should contain the following text: “Caffè Diemme” - written in the Italian language and including the date “1927”. The current logo says “dal 1927” (from 1927) but the word “dal” (from) can be omitted.
- To ensure flexibility in use, you can either propose one version of the new logo or two versions (compact and extended) Both the compact and extended versions should contain the text “Caffè Diemme” and “1927”. The current logo, in its compact and extended versions, can be found in the material files downloadable from the official contest page.
- If you wish so, you can add one or more graphic elements to complete and customize the proposed logo.
- The proposed solution may include a frame which should be different from the one found in the compact version of the current logo. Adding a frame element is optional.
2) Logo + Payoff: you are requested to design an additional version of the logo displaying the company payoff: “Torrefattori in Italia dal 1927” (Italian coffee roasters since 1927). In this case, the year “1927” will only appear once, as part of the payoff.
3) Brand mark & monogram: In addition to the new logo and the requested variations, the proposed solutions should also include a symbol/graphic sign that should be clearly legible, even when not used alongside the logo, and which, over time, should become the distinctive symbol of Caffè Diemme.
Appearance and colours
Caffè Diemme is looking for a logo that is both elegant and modern, displays unique characteristics, has good legibility, and is impactful and in line with the brand’s industry and values.
The proposed logo and its variations should be realized in black and blue (pantone 282), both in the positive and negative versions.
Values to convey
Elegance, modernity, experience, trustworthiness, reputability, tradition, innovation, research, flexibility, internationalization.
1) Primary target: operators in the Ho.Re.Ca sector
- Italy: bartenders, owners/managers of bars, cafes, hotels and restaurants, distributors
- abroad: distributors
2) Secondary target: end consumers ( the retail sector is not the core business of the the company)
Physical support and size
The proposed logo will be reproduced on different physical supports, such as paper, textile, metal, glass etc., as well as on digital media. This means it is necessary to choose specific techniques that allow for reproduction on the widest possible array of supports (vector format).
The minimum length for the compact version of the logo is 3 cm, and it is crucial that even at that size the logo remains clearly legible.
Upload all images in order to present your projects in the best possible way. The images in the gallery (maximum 5) must have a proportion of 4:3. Allowed file formats: .jpg, .gif or .png; colours: RGB; max size for each individual file: 1MB. You are invited to upload a .zip archive containing vector files and high resolution images pertaining to your project by using the dedicated field in the upload page. Allowed file formats: .ai, .eps, .pdf, .jpg and .png. Max .zip archive size: 100MB
Evaluation criteria
In the evaluation of your submissions the Sponsor will take into account the following criteria:
Communication 5/5
Consistency with the brand 5/5
Aesthetic 5/5
Versatility 4/5
Innovation 4/5
Contest Timeline
Add the contest to your calendar
Upload phase: 24 November 2021 – 24 February 2022 (1.59 PM UTC)
Concept review: 14 January 2022 (1.59 PM UTC)
Client vote phase: from 24 February 2022
Winner announcement: approximately by the end of April 2022
Concept review (optional)
Designers can apply, by the date indicated above, for a concept review of their projects by the Desall Team. To apply, 1) upload the project(s), including its description, and save as draft (SAVE DRAFT) from the upload page; 2) send your request to the Desall Team via email to or through the contact form. The review is NOT mandatory: it serves only as a further opportunity for the participants but does not constitute a condition for participation, nor does it constitute any advantage in the final evaluation.
Eligibility and submission
Participation is free of charge and open to designers and creative talents of any nationality aged 18 years or older. Participants can submit one or more projects, but only the projects published on the website, via the upload page related to this contest will be accepted.
1°: €3000
The selection of the winner by the Sponsor will be the result of an unquestionable evaluation and it will take into account originality, feasibility and consistency of submitted projects with the presented brief.
Option right
For the duration of the option right, the Sponsor offers an extra chance to all participants setting a fee of €1000 for the purchase of the license for the economical exploitation of the projects not-acknowledged as the winning proposals.
For more information, please login and read the Contest Agreement from the upload page. For questions about the brief please use the “Have a question” button or write to
Since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.
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Desall required files
Minimum 1 image, up to 5.
Recommended dimensions: 960 x 720px (player size) ; allowed format: .jpg , .gif , .png; color mode: RGB;
allowed resolution: 72 dpi ; max file (for each one) size: 1 mb.