Contest detail page.
closed : 19 Feb 21
242 entries
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19 Feb 21

Desita and Desall invite the international community of designers and creatives to rethink the whole experience related to the sectors of gelato and pizza, for both industry operators and customers, closing the gap between the food industry and the design world.
Company description
Desita is specialized in the food&retail sector, in a segment that is extremely focused on strategic consulting and integrated design to support enterprises interested in creating concepts and/or developing existing business formats, through replicable, memorable and economically sustainable solutions.
Since 2004 works at International level acquiring a deep experience all over the MENA region, particularly in the GCC countries developing hundreds of projects especially in Dubai.
Nowadays, collaborate with brands like Unilever, Barilla, Grom among many others.
Thanks to the great people met in 5 continents Desita has expanded its know-how, partnerships and friendships being able to perform at its best on any challenge merging the qualities of its network under a common goal.
More at and
DESITA aims are :
- Supporting young designers and innovators in their process of growth and technical expertise in building collaborative relationships and learning both individually and collectively;
- Providing designers and innovators an opportunity for visibility to expand within an international market;
- Translating their ideas into marketable prototypes.
- Barilla - food
- Di Battista - packaging
- Grottini - design & build
- L&S Light - Technical lighting
- Sboccia - food
What we are looking for
The brief is available in the following languages:
- Italian
- English
Start creating your inspiration wall using the Inspiration tab and get inspired by the hints of other creatives!
In this 6th edition, the DESITA AWARD 2020 is looking for new solutions to bring innovation and added value to the gelato and pizza sectors, focusing its attention on the experience of both customers and industry operators, extending its scope of research to several product typologies and services.
For the correct realisation of your proposals, keep into consideration the following guidelines:
Context: gelato and pizza are two remarkable examples of the Italian know-how and tradition in the food-sector. New scenarios and emerging global challenges represent great opportunities for this business to grow and consolidate. DESITA AWARD 2020 comes in with the mission of encouraging idea generation and innovation around the experience related to these sectors, addressing creatives from various disciplines and cultures.
DESITA AWARD 2020 categories: you can take part in the DESITA AWARD 2020 by choosing between two main categories, GELATO EXPERIENCE and PIZZA EXPERIENCE, each consisting of a separate award. You can decide to participate with one or more projects, for either category.
Project typologies: for each main category (GELATO EXPERIENCE or PIZZA EXPERIENCE), you can present your project in one the following project typologies:
1) Tools and Packaging: design or redesign tools, objects, accessories, packaging, food consumption etc. in order to improve the functionality, the food preparing and/or the fruition experience from the service and/or customer standpoint.
2) Interaction: design or redesign electronic devices/applications, digital devices, etc. that could improve the food preparation and/or fruition experience from the service and/or customer standpoint.
3) Delivery service: design or redesign effective solutions for food transport, preservation and delivery that could improve the experience from the service and/or customer standpoint.
Key aspects to tackle: your projects shall focus on the experience for either the customer or the industry operator, with regards to gelato or pizza, paying great attention to each process involved (fruition, preparation, etc.) and to aspects of sustainability.
Technologies: you are free to suggest the use of various technologies or new applications of existing technologies to improve one of these sectors, keeping into consideration the overall feasibility of your solution, in terms of production costs and market potential.
Customer typology and context: your projects may be designed for either the customers or the industry operators, at your discretion, keeping into consideration that the preparation and/or fruition of gelato and pizza might happen anywhere and anytime, be it inside an ice-cream parlour, a pizza restaurant, at home or in any other context, including street food stalls, etc.
Values to convey: the projects you present shall be able to provide and suggest innovative approaches and sustainable solutions, which are prerequisites in the evaluation of all projects.
Deliverables: the title of each project shall specify which main category it is meant for, GELATO EXPERIENCE or PIZZA EXPERIENCE, for ex. “GELATO EXPERIENCE – Project title”. Participants are required to:
- submit one or more images of the project (including sketches, 3D renderings, illustrations, etc.),
- a detailed description of the project (max 2,000 characters, spaces included) and
- some technical drawings (orthogonal projection, axonometry, diagrams/drawings, project dimensions, exploded isometric) or – at your discretion - 3D files.
Please use the abstract and description fields of the upload form to include your textual presentation. Higher resolution images (150ppi), PDF files, technical drawings and other materials can be attached inside a .ZIP archive (MAX 100 MB) from the upload page. If the project is presented by a team, please submit it only once from a single profile and specify in the abstract the names of all the members, for ex. “Team members: Author 1, Author 2, etc.”. Incomplete or poorly presented projects might be excluded from participation.
Evaluation criteria: in the evaluation of your submissions, besides the sustainability prerequisite, Desita will take into account the following criteria:
Degree of innovation 5/5
Functionality 4/5
Market potential 3/5
Technical Feasibility 3/5
Project presentation 2/5
Contest timeline
Add the contest to your calendar
Upload phase: 17th September 2020 – 17th December 2020 (1.59 PM UTC)
Client Vote: from 17th December 2020
Winner announcement: approximately before the end of February 2021
Optional deadlines
Concept revision: 17th October 2020 (1.59 PM UTC)
Concept revision: deadline for requiring an optional revision of your project by the Desall team. In order to request a revision, upload your project, include the description project and save it as draft (SAVE DRAFT) from the upload page and send your request to the Desall Team via e-mail or through the contact form. The revision is NOT mandatory: it serves only as a further opportunity for the participants but does not constitute a condition for participation, nor does it constitute any advantage in the final evaluation.
Eligibility and submission
Participation is free of charge and open to designers and creative talents of any nationality aged 18 years or older. Participants can present one or more projects, but only the projects published on the web site, via the upload page related to “DESITA AWARD 2020 - GELATO & PIZZA EXPERIENCE” will be accepted.
In addition to the cash awards, each award provides also:
• Publication of the winning project on DESITA and Partners media channels.
• The possibility to see their projects actualized, subject to the Client assessment.
• International visibility by: press-release, media channels, magazines, social networks.
Make sure to constantly keep a watch on the official contest page, as the total award pool might increase.
The selection of the winner by Desita will be the result of an unquestionable evaluation and it will take into account originality, feasibility and consistency with the brief presented.
Option right
For the duration of the option right, Desita offers an extra chance to all participants setting a fee of Euro 2,000.00= (two-thousand/00) for the purchase of the license for the economical exploitation of the projects not-acknowledged as the winning proposals.
For more info, please login and read the Contest Agreement from the upload page. For questions about the brief please use the “Have a question” button or write to We invite you to download the PDF of the brief for some extra guidelines and advices for your submission.
Since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.
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Desall required files
Minimum 1 image, up to 5.
Recommended dimensions: 960 x 720px (player size) ; allowed format: .jpg , .gif , .png; color mode: RGB;
allowed resolution: 72 dpi ; max file (for each one) size: 1 mb.