Contests / Deco Lab Competition / Brief
Contest detail page.
Deco Lab Competition
closed : 09 Sep 15
324 entries
What should i do now?
- Read the brief
- Download the material files (if available)
- Upload your design
09 Sep 15

One or more royalties contract will be awarded.
Deco Lab, in collaboration with Desall, launches a contest for creative people from all over the world, to collect new graphic and design proposals for an exclusive collection of wall paper for the “Deco Lab Store”, an innovative and original online store.
Company description
Deco Lab: expertise and innovation.
A new creative platform, born from the experience of a world leader in the wallpaper industry. An interactive lab where the customers can interact with the designer and become the main player of his/her own project. As a truly online store dedicated to the creation and customisation of walls, Deco Lab Store interacts with the final customer in a unique and original way, and the customer, combining many decorative elements in a quick and intuitive way, can create his/her own personal wallpaper.
An innovative system where every project becomes unique for the walls it was thought for. A new approach to the world of design.
What we are looking for
This brief is also available in Italian ( Download ).
The gallery of the contest is private, accordingly only the Client and the respective authors can see the proposals. This contest does not have the Community Vote phase.
Deco Lab is looking for original graphic proposals for wallpapers with a strong visual impact, that break with the traditional schemes of the wallpaper world, giving up the mere repetition of classical patterns, developing one of the four themes described below.
For the correct realisation of your proposals, keep into consideration the following guidelines:
For your graphic proposals develop at least one of the four themes suggested, making a separate submission for every theme. We remind you that you can participate with as many proposals as you like. We also suggest you to include the name of the theme in the project title, to allow for a better understanding.
1) Colour Vibe: play with colours and shapes, following a low technological approach and preferring a freehand style.
2) Tropic Paradise: dark shadows interact with an explosion of vivid colours; follow an irregular approach, placing tropical graphic elements on an evocative background.
3) Decadent Chic: for a warm and sensual atmosphere. The passing of time is celebrated and becomes the key of the creation. Ageing techniques are applied to the surface in order to reproduce the oxidation of the passing of time.
4) New Naturals: the simple beauty of Earth.
For the themes, get inspired by the Mood board attached in the Material files.
Wallpaper structure
Deco Lab will allow their customer to customise the wallpaper during the purchase directly from the new web platform, tweaking on the combination of three different layers. Consequently, your proposals must be structured as follows: background (layer 0), background finishing (layer 1) and graphic elements (layer 2). For a detailed scheme, have a look at the Wallpaper-structure.pdf attached and see also the example folder included in the Material files.
Layer 0 (Background): it will be the background layer of your proposals and can feature any kind of texture, colour and pattern, as long as the left side and the right side have a match allowing the repetition of the graphic. Develop your proposals working on a file with the following size: 376cm (base) and 300cm (height) with a resolution of 72dpi. We invite you to use the Full-size_templates attached. For the submission of your proposals, please read attentively the paragraph called “Deliverables” where you will find the details for what you are supposed to include in your entry.
Layer 1 (Background finishing): this layer is supposed to enrich the background layer. See the scheme attached in the Material files. Note well that the e-commerce customer will be able to either overlap or replace the background layer with this layer. When overlapping the background, that is when it contains transparencies, it will let the background come partially into view. Accordingly, this layer will have the same size of the background layer, that is 376cm (base) and 300cm (height) with a resolution of 72dpi. For the info regarding what material you are supposed to submit, please see the paragraph called “Deliverables”.
Layer 2 (Graphic elements): the graphic elements form the foreground of your wallpapers and can either be used separately or combined, they can be multiplied, overlapped, flipped, placed and rotated at the convenience of the customer. Every wallpaper can have from 1 up to 4 different graphic elements, which is why we invite you to develop the whole set for every proposal. The size of the graphic elements is at your discretion; you should consider though that it must comply with the minimum size of 20cm for the base and 20cm for the height and the maximum size of 366cm for the base and 290cm for the height. Also in this case, read attentively the paragraph called “Deliverables” to understand how to submit your projects.
Notes: make sure NOT to employ copyrighted materials (images, symbols or templates) and NOT to use graphics that might hurt the sensibility of people (vulgar images, religious symbols, etc.)
Language: since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.
In order to facilitate the project submission, you are required to use the templates included inside the folder called Desall-downscaled_templates attached with the Material files. Your files are supposed to be submitted according to the following order:
1. Global picture (1-Global-picture.png);
2. Background (2-Background.png);
3. Background finishing (3-Background-finishing.png);
4/5. Graphic elements (4-Graphic-elements.png; 5-Graphic-elements.png): you can use these two files to represent your graphic elements, so use them as you prefer.
Note well: it is fundamental that the original files used for the development of your proposals have the above mentioned size, that is 376x300 at 72dpi (for background and background finishing) and min 20x20cm/max 366x290cm at 72dpi for the graphic elements. To build your files at full scale (1:1) you can use the Full-size_templates attached. For the sole purpose of facilitating the submission process, you are required to submit the file with a reduced size, copying and downscaling your proposals inside the given Desall_downscaled_templates attached. However, if the Client wants to see the files at 1:1 scale, the participants shall promptly send them when required.
Don’t forget about the abstract and description to give further info about your projects. You can submit as many entries as you like!
Upload phase: 12th Jun – 27th Jul 2015 (1.59 PM UTC)
Client Vote: from 27th Jul 2015
This contest does not have the Community Vote phase.
Eligibility and submission
Participation is free of charge and open to designers and creative talents of any nationality aged 18 years or older. Participants can present one or more projects, but only the projects published on the web site, via the upload page related to “Deco Lab Competition” will be accepted.
1st: €500 + Royalties
2nd: €500 + Royalties
3rd: €500 + Royalties
4th: €500 + Royalties
The selection of the winner by Deco Lab will be the result of an unquestionable evaluation and it will take into account originality, feasibility and consistency with the brief presented.
License fee
For the duration of the option right, the Client offers an extra chance to all participants setting a price of Euro 500 (five-hundred) plus royalties for the purchase of the license for the economical exploitation of the projects not-acknowledged as the winning proposals.
For more info, please login and read the Contest Agreement from the upload page.
Since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.
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Desall required files
Minimum 1 image, up to 5.
Recommended dimensions: 960 x 720px (player size) ; allowed format: .jpg , .gif , .png; color mode: RGB;
allowed resolution: 72 dpi ; max file (for each one) size: 1 mb.