Contests / Future Cap Challenge / Brief
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11 Oct 19

New product design contest on Pelliconi and Desall invite you to suggest innovative concepts for a new easy-open cap, attentive to design and user experience, with the aim of creating a funny and interactive product.
Company description
Founded in Bologna (Italy) in 1939 as “Ditta Angelo Pelliconi” (DAP), specialized in the production of crown corks, Pelliconi is now a world leader in the field of packaging for the Food & Beverage industry.
Pelliconi is continuously expanding its business. Today it has five production plants spread over 4 continents: two in Italy, in Ozzano dell’Emilia (Bologna) and in Atessa (Chieti); one in Cairo (Egypt); one in the United States, in Orlando (Florida); the most recent site was inaugurated in 2016 in Suzhou (China). There are also five international commercial branches, thanks to which Pelliconi has created a vast sales and distribution network allowing the group to become one of the largest producers and exporters of closures worldwide.
Pelliconi currently has an annual production capacity of over 30 billion caps and employs more then 500 people worldwide, with a total revenue of about 150 million euros.
What we are looking for
The brief is available in the following languages:
- Italian
- English
Download the Material files.
Start creating your inspiration wall using the Inspiration tab and get inspired by the hints of other creatives!
Pelliconi is looking for innovative concepts for a new easy-open cap to launch on the market, easy to remove and really keen on design and user experience, with the aim of creating a funny and interactive product.
For the correct realisation of your proposals, keep into consideration the following guidelines:
Product typology: the cap you suggest shall allow an easy opening (“easy-open” cap), without requiring the use of a bottle-opener or similar. The cap will be employed for standard size bottles (see Size paragraph for more info), used for beer, soft-drink or other beverages. In addition to perform its function, it shall arouse curiosity in the consumer paying great attention to the user experience and suggesting a fun-related use.
How to use: the user shall be able to easily remove the cap, through a pry-off gesture, without using any bottle-opener. You are free to suggest alternatives to this method, making sure that the gesture is safe and easy for the final user in all circumstances.
Shapes: keep into consideration aspects related to ergonomics and intuitiveness of use, that shall be embodied by the cap design, in order to ease its opening.
Size: the cap shall be compatible with bottles with neck-finish of 26mm or 29mm. In the Material files you’ll find the 3D file of two standard neck-finishes ( neckfinish-26mm.step and neckfinish-29mm.step ) that you can use to start building your cap.
Materials: you are free to suggest single-material or multi-materials solutions at your discretion, keeping into consideration the use of possible eco-sustainable materials and in view of the product recyclability. For getting an idea of the materials currently used by Pelliconi in the easy-open Maxi P-26 cap, take a look at the presentation attached in the Material files.
Style and customisation: the cap shall be intended for several brands and beverages, accordingly you are invited to suggest an innovative and highly aesthetic design, that may leave room for client-brand customisation, reserving an area for the logo, custom colours, etc. Today, the areas devoted to this use are the top side of the cap, the inner part, the side and the colour juxtaposition of various components. For some examples of customisation, please refer to the presentation of the Maxi P-26 cap attached in the Material files and to the Inspiration tab.
Deliverables: upload all the images that better present your projects (rendering, descriptions, CAD files, etc.) and, if necessary, remember that you can also attach a .ZIP archive containing extra materials.
Evaluation criteria: in the evaluation of your submissions Pelliconi will take into account the following criteria:
Degree of innovation (5/5)
Ease of use (5/5)
Technical feasibility (4/5)
User experience (4/5)
Eco-compatibility (3/5)
Contest timeline
Add the contest to your calendar
Upload phase: 2nd April 2019 – 2nd July 2019 (1.59 PM UTC)
Client Vote: from 2nd July 2019
Winner announcement: approximately by the end of September 2019
Optional deadlines
Concept revision: 2nd May 2019 (1.59 PM UTC)
Concept revision: deadline for requiring an optional revision of your project by the Desall team. In order to request a revision, upload your project, include the description project and save it as draft (SAVE DRAFT) from the upload page and send your request to the Desall Team via e-mail or through the contact form. The revision is NOT mandatory: it serves only as a further opportunity for the participants but does not constitute a condition for participation, nor does it constitute any advantage in the final evaluation.
Eligibility and submission
Participation is free of charge and open to designers and creative talents of any nationality aged 18 years or older. Participants can present one or more projects, but only the projects published on the web site, via the upload page related to “Future Cap Challenge” will be accepted.
1°: €4000
The selection of the winner by Pelliconi will be the result of an unquestionable evaluation and it will take into account originality, feasibility and consistency with the brief presented.
Option right
For the duration of the option right, the Sponsor offers an extra chance to all participants setting a fee of Euro 2,000.00= (two-thousand/00) for the purchase of the license for the economical exploitation of the projects not-acknowledged as the winning proposals.
For more info, please login and read the Contest Agreement from the upload page. For questions about the brief please use the “Have a question” button or write to We invite you to download the PDF of the brief for some extra guidelines and advices for your submission.
Since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.
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Desall required files
Minimum 1 image, up to 5.
Recommended dimensions: 960 x 720px (player size) ; allowed format: .jpg , .gif , .png; color mode: RGB;
allowed resolution: 72 dpi ; max file (for each one) size: 1 mb.