Contests / Iconic Flip Key / Brief
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31 Jul 14

Keyline is inviting you all into the fascinating and complex world of the keys. The challenge consists in finding innovative yet feasible solutions for a Flip key, known for the quick release movement that allows to extract and retrieve the key blade which is inserted into the car door keyhole and into the ignition.
Company description
Keyline is an innovative company in the global context for keys design and production. It is a leading company in the transponder keys technology and is always in search of innovative solutions and technologies applied to the keys and their employment.
Being a worldwide benchmark for the production of any sort of key, Keyline is now looking for a key that may become its icon in terms of style, design and ergonomics.
What we are looking for
The aim of Iconic Flip Key is to find a flip key that joins ergonomics with style and may become the icon key of Keyline.
The projects submitted for the contest should address the basic functions of the key (starting and stopping the car, opening and closing car doors and boot) and take into account its normal employment and use. At the same time, the key should be rethought in order to become an ergonomic object and a car extension, an iconic and always functioning product.
The key researched by Keyline is a product for the automotive world, sold independently from the vehicles already owned and/or used by the driver.
It should not be meant as a bare replacement key or a copy of an already existing product, rather it should be a key with a clear and precise identity, not inferior in quality to the keys provided together with the cars.
Keyline does not set any limits for project and design. However, for the correct realization of the proposals we suggest you to keep into account the following guidelines:
Functioning : the key to design shall perform the same functions of any car key. It is not a “car remote” but may well host one. Besides, apart from the car related use, the key should be nice to hold and to play with (for example, think of a push pen: you mainly use it for writing, but not only for that).
Employment : design a switchblade key, swift in opening and closing. Think about innovative and original solutions for the opening and closing of the key, drawing inspiration from products of other sectors as well. For this reason, the quick release movement (flip or switchblade movement) might be employed but is not a necessary requirement. Furthermore, the key shall be operated with just one hand (usually with the thumb), it should be comfortable to hold in the pocket and nice to the touch.
Size : the minimum size for the key is 52 mm (length), 13 mm (height) and 22 mm (width) for the shell with closed blade. The maximum size for the key is 75 mm (length), 20 mm (height) and 40 mm (width) for the shell with closed blade.
Weight : approximately 50-60 g.
Materials : for the realization of the key shell plastic materials are allowed (plastics, rubber, etc.). The only metal parts allowed are the blade (which is engraved to ease the insertion into the car door and ignition keyholes) and the blade flick mechanism.
Technologies to employ : injection moulding.
Style : there are no restrictions for the style. The project should be a free expression of a product that joins design (possibly unique or distinctive), visibility and functionality. All the same, it should be aesthetically enjoyable and functional.
Shapes : there are no restrictions for the shapes and lines. Keep into consideration the minimum and maximum size reported in the Size paragraph.
Colours : at the participant discretion. Note that every single piece forming the key must be monocolour (for example, if the key is made of 5 pieces, just as many colours are possible, for a total of 5 different colours).
Message to convey : the product should summarize the Keyline payoff, Innovators by design. Which means breaking the old patterns, by creating user friendly solutions that at the same time show a clear choice to stand out of the crowd.
Logo : the use of the logo is at the discretion of the participant and must respect the characteristics reported in the Material files .
Target prize : the key will be sold at a target prize in line with the aftermarket products and inferior to the original keys. At the same time, the Keyline key shall stand out for quality and refinement level.
License fee
For the duration of the pre-emption right, the Client offers an extra chance to all participants setting a range between Euro 1,500 (one-thousand-five-hundred) and Euro 2,500 (two-thousand-five-hundred) for the purchase of the license fee for the economical exploitation of the projects not-acknowledged as the winning proposals (For more info read the Contest Agreement from the upload page).
Since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.
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Desall required files
Minimum 1 image, up to 5.
Recommended dimensions: 960 x 720px (player size) ; allowed format: .jpg , .gif , .png; color mode: RGB;
allowed resolution: 72 dpi ; max file (for each one) size: 1 mb.