Contests / Injection Design Award 2012 / Brief
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15 Jul 13
BRIEF - NEW IDEA PHASE (read less)
Summary in collaboration with Uniteam, presents the “Injection Design Award 2012”, a co-creation contest. The aim is identifying new and innovative projects of accessories for the office which include the use of injection moulding as production technology and more specifically, the technology patented by Uniteam and called One Shot.
Company description
Uniteam is an Italian leader company in the field of design and construction of injection moulds for plastic materials and the engineering of process solutions mostly for the automotive sector. The great inclination towards innovation and turn-key services, the specialization in complex, highly technological and especially in bi-component products, allows the company to standout compared to its competitors.
What we are looking for
The “One Shot” technology developed by Uniteam Italy over the years consists in a single moulding phase that enables you to obtain objects composed by different materials, such as plastics, rubber and fabric, in a single moulding process, thus avoiding the use of several moulds and/or several assembling phases (you may find more information about this technology in the material files below).
What we need
In this first stage of development, you are asked to explore new ideas and innovative solutions for accessories for the office.
The office environment and the way people work has changed: in the same way the objects they need and they use should change. Focus on designing something new, imagine original functions and shapes, rethink existing features. The concepts may be represented with the help of drawings, illustrations, renders, etc.
Participants must take into account the following project constraints:
- Maximum dimensions of the molded products are 30cm x 30cm x 30cm. In the case of products such as accessories sets, the maximum overall dimensions will still have to be 30cm x 30cm x 30cm, while in case of modular objects, the maximum overall dimensions refer to the single module;
- Production technology is injection moulding.
Revision 1 20 Nov, 12
The staff of Uniteam wants to underline that in this first phase of the competition participants have to focus on the identification of new concepts and on the graphical representation of a creative or technical solution to a current need. Take into consideration unsolved necessities, something is yet to come or new interpretations of existing products which don't meet anymore what people require. Focus on the originality of the project more than the project representation. Remember participants can upload more entries and you can use sketches and illustrations too. Uniteam has decided to help the community postponing the deadline for submissions to 10th December 2012 at 23:59 (GMT +0).
Since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.
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Desall required files
Minimum 1 image, up to 5.
Recommended dimensions: 960 x 720px (player size) ; allowed format: .jpg , .gif , .png; color mode: RGB;
allowed resolution: 72 dpi ; max file (for each one) size: 1 mb.

Winner of the previous phase.
The following brief is focused on this work.
The aim of this Product Design phase is identifying an original interpretation and advanced representation of a desk pad that adopts the innovative technology One Shot in the production process.
Company description
Uniteam is an Italian leader company in the field of design and construction of injection moulds for plastic materials and the engineering of process solutions mostly for the automotive sector. The great inclination towards innovation and turn-key services, the specialization in complex, highly technological and especially in bi-component products, allows the company to standout compared to its competitors.
What we are looking for
“Injection Design Award” is a four-step contest. The aim of the previous phase was identifying new concepts of office accessories which include the use of injection moulding as production technology. The winner was Wave, a platform that works as a desk organizer and a mousepad.
Now participants have to design the winning idea in a detailed and engineering-related advanced way adopting One Shot as production technology.
One Shot is an innovative technology developed by Uniteam-Italy. Compared to the traditional injection moulding process, it allows to produce objects made of different materials and textures in a single moulding phase. Thanks to this patented technology it is possible to avoid assembly work and/or the use of several moulds.
Participant have to take into account the following guidelines.
Product : desk pad that can be used as desk organizer and mousepad.
Additional functions and ways to use it : explore and design additional functions and ways to use the product taking the original concept as starting point. For example you could imagine it as a laptop stand too or you can design the desk pad in order to be rolled up when you want to carry it along.
Dimensions : maximum dimensions of the molded product are 30cm x 30cm x 30cm.
Materials : hard and soft plastics, fabric, leather, rubber and other thermoplastic materials.
Production : the product must be manufactured through injection moulding. It will be highly appreciated if you do not consider assembly work and the use of several moulds.
Aesthetic suggestions : keep the design as simple and minimal as possible.
More information about One Shot technology are available in the material files below.
Since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.
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Desall required files
Minimum 1 image, up to 5.
Recommended dimensions: 960 x 720px (player size) ; allowed format: .jpg , .gif , .png; color mode: RGB;
allowed resolution: 72 dpi ; max file (for each one) size: 1 mb.
BRIEF - NAMING PHASE (read less)

Winner of the previous phase.
The following brief is focused on this work.
Naming is the third step of our co-creation contest “Injection Design Award” and it asks you to find the best name, pay off and description of the desk pad developed in the previous phases.
Company description
Uniteam is an Italian leader company in the field of design and construction of injection moulds for plastic materials and the engineering of process solutions mostly for the automotive sector. The great inclination towards innovation and turn-key services, the specialization in complex, highly technological and especially in bi-component products, allows the company to standout compared to its competitors.
What we are looking for
The aim of the “Injection Design Award” is developing from the concept to the packaging a new office accessory that can manufactured using injection moulding process. The winner of the New Idea phase was Wave, a platform that works as a desk organizer and a mousepad.
Then our community has designed the concept in a detailed and engineering-related advanced way adopting One Shot, an injection moulding process patented by Uniteam-Italia, that allows to avoid assembly work and/or the use of several moulds. The winning project is Mouse Stand, an evolution of the Wave concept.
What we need
Now participants are invited to find for this product an effective name, a catchy payoff and an appealing description:
- Focus on the product : First of all concentrate on the product, a desk pad that helps you to keep in order your desktop and to work more comfortably. It’s simple, easy to use and extremely versatile: you can use it as mousepad, laptop stand and desk organizer when it’s open, as a tablet stand when it’s close. Then, remember how we are developing it all together: an open community, that includes designers, creatives, engineers and design lovers from all over the world is working together to find new and effective solutions for everyday problems.
- Language : The product is meant for an international audience, so avoid names, payoffs and descriptions in any language different from English.
- Perfect name : Relevant, positive, easy to remember, short, not too generic and not too similar to an other product name;
- Catchy Pay off : A short slogan that brings the attention of a potential customer to the product;
- Product description : Sell it, sell it, sell it! Once we have their attention, we need to make them buy it. Write a few lines that will be added to the packaging or to the brochure (150 – 300 characters, spaces included) where you highlights the main product features that in your opinion are more effective (optional, so... only the brave!).
- Last tips : Give a short explanation of your project to let us know why you think your Naming project is the most suitable.
Revision 1 26 Mar, 13
The staff of Uniteam wants to highlight that the concept Wave and the product designs MouseStand have been selected for their simplicity. They are easy-to-use products, characterized by a neat design. For this reason the name as well must be simple, recalling at the same time the main feature of the product. The payoff instead should be a catchy slogan that explain immediately its function. In order to help the community, Uniteam has decided to postponing the deadline for submissions to 15th April 2013 at 23:59 (GMT +0).
Since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.
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Organized tide
Winner of the previous phase.
The following brief is focused on this work.
Release your imagination and design a creative product packaging for Uniteam and its innovative desk organizer!
Company description
Uniteam is an Italian leader company in the field of design and construction of injection moulds for plastic materials and the engineering of process solutions mostly for the automotive sector. The great inclination towards innovation and turn-key services, the specialization in complex, highly technological and especially in bi-component products, allows the company to standout compared to its competitors.
What we are looking for
In the previous phases our community has developed a simple, easy to use and extremely versatile product that works as mousepad, laptop stand and desk organizer when it’s open or a tablet stand if you switch to vertical position.
It has been developed and designed by our online community from the concept to the naming phase, meeting Uniteam request for a new office accessory that exploits their innovative injection moulding process called One Shot.
Now it’s your turn: design a new packaging that combines creativity and functionality and give your creative interpretation of the product name.
Before starting, take into account the following points:
Name and logo: the winner of the naming phase is “Organized tide”, that at the same time explains the organizing function, recalls its wavy shape and its “low” and “high” positions. Give a shorter and creative interpretation of it, like Tidee (play on words “tide” and “tidy”, put in order things), or O-tide / Otide. It will be appreciated an original presentation (a brand new logo or a suitable font).
Be inspired, be creative: play with graphics, shape, colors, imagine how the potential customer can interact with the product through your packaging. Release your imagination and get his attention!
Eco-friendly: use recyclable materials or think about a reusable eco-friendly packaging solution;
Product dimensions: 260mm wide, 56 mm high, 151mm long;
Texts: remember to add all the information about product (name, payoff, short description, how-to-use, main features, made in Italy) and producer information (Uniteam logo, address, website). You may find everything you need in the material files below;
Last hint: a good packaging should keep the shipping costs low. Actually, the perfect packaging should keep the overall cost as low as possible, don’t forget it!
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Since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.
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Do you want to stay updated about "Injection Design Award 2012"?
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Desall required files
Minimum 1 image, up to 5.
Recommended dimensions: 960 x 720px (player size) ; allowed format: .jpg , .gif , .png; color mode: RGB;
allowed resolution: 72 dpi ; max file (for each one) size: 1 mb.