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Contests / Rethink the dispensing experience / Brief

Contest detail page.

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  • Read the brief
  • Download the material files (if available)
  • Upload your design


  • upload phase
  • community vote
  • client choices


15 Mar 18

143 entries




New packaging design contest on Taplast and Desall invite you to design an innovative packaging with connected dispenser for liquids, suggesting an ecological and intuitive solution, suitable for the broader public.

Company description

Taplast is a family company founded in 1974 by Evans Santagiuliana and today managed by the second generation. Bringing together design, ergonomics, precision and sustainability has allowed Taplast, from 1995 to today, to win more than 12 international awards in packaging and be considered at the top of innovation in plastic dispensing systems.
Taplast’s reputation for innovation and environmental attention leads it to develop and produce for multinational companies of consumer goods such as Unilever, Henkel, L’Oreal, Procter&Gamble, etc.

What we are looking for

This brief is also available in Italian ( Download ).

Start creating your inspiration wall using the Inspiration tab and get inspired by the hints of other creatives!

Taplast is looking for a revolutionary dispensing system specifically designed for flexible packagings (pouches), inviting you to design a new packaging for liquids, able to offer an optimal user experience as a primary packaging, with a special attention to the environmental issues and able to present itself as an innovative and versatile solution suitable for products of different brands.


For the correct realisation of your proposals, keep into consideration the following guidelines:

Aim of the contest: there are currently several flexible packagings (pouches) available on the market and used as refill for other rigid containers; the final consumer that buys the flexible packaging is required to pour the whole content into another rigid container, that embeds the dispenser, or to clasp it on a support that constitutes the container of primary use.
The aim of the contest, instead, is to design a new flexible packaging (pouch) with connected dispenser, that may become the primary packaging to be directly used by the final consumer.

Product typology: the choice of a flexible packaging, over a rigid container, implies a few changes in the user experience, that you are required to take into consideration, including for example the product stability, the aesthetics, the interaction modalities, etc. You are thus invited to design a new packaging with connected dispenser, keeping into consideration the overall user experience, for any customer typology, addressing the new potential critical aspects and dynamics given by the use of a flexible packaging.

Product features: the packaging shall have a dispenser/dosing unit directly connected to the flexible packaging, that will be in all respects the packaging used by the final consumer. In this regard, you are invited to explore new interaction modalities for dispensing one dose. Rethinking the whole user experience, the dispenser shall be compatible with the lack of structure given by the use of a flexible packaging. For this reason, you are invited to study alternatives able to ensure a practical use of the packaging, by considering – for example - self-standing solutions, realised with a special folding of the film or by using an accessory, or else a support device directly attached to the dispenser, etc. Ideally, the packaging shall maintain the same shape throughout the whole life-cycle of the product, however solutions suggesting the compacting of the packaging as it runs out of liquid will not be excluded, if this is suggested in view of optimising the stability of the product and the required space. In no case can refill solutions be suggested.

Replaceable-cartridges version (optional): at your discretion, in alternative or in addition, you may also suggest a dispenser consisting of a rigid structure where the flexible container is hosted, which acts as a replaceable cartridge. In no case can refill solutions be suggested: in fact, the flexible packaging shall be the final container and allow an easy replacement of the cartridge. The final consumer will initially be invited to buy the structure upon which the dispenser is fixed and from time to time will have to install a new flexible packaging. In this case, you may also suggest the employment of electrical technologies and/or sensors that may automate and/or facilitate the user experience. This approach however is of less interest than the flexible packaging solution with connected dispenser described in the previous paragraphs, as it implies greater production costs. For some examples of products already available on the market, please refer to the Material files.

Production cost: given the product typology, the production costs for the packaging you suggest shall be as low as possible, hence suitable for a large-scale production.

Material: the packaging you suggest shall consist of two main elements: the flexible packaging shall be realised with a laminated film and the dispenser (including possible accessories and/or support devices) will be realised through the injection moulding of plastic materials. For some examples of similar products currently available on the market, please refer to the Material files.

Style and brand: the packaging you suggest will be used for products of different brands and for this reason it shall not have too much distinctive traits, that may lead the consumer into associating it with a specific brand over another. In addition, for a better evaluation of your project, you are invited to present your packaging with solid colours container and the Taplast logo (attached in the Material files). The dispenser may be realised in different colours and finishes, at your discretion. For an overview of the possible finishes and solutions currently used by Taplast, you are invited to have a look at the Material files attached and at the client catalogue available at the following link: (in particular, refer to the “ALLPLASTIC PUMPS” typology).

Values to convey: the new packaging shall be perceived by the final consumer as a sustainable product, attentive to environmental issues and at the same time ergonomic, capable of ensuring the greatest ease of use, regardless of the age or the profile of the final consumer.

Deliverables: upload all the images that better present your projects (rendering, descriptions, CAD files, etc.) and, preferably attach the 3D files in .IGS or .STP format. For a better evaluation of your projects, you are invited to present your packaging with a solid colours flexible container and the Taplast logo. If necessary, remember that you can also attach a .ZIP archive containing extra materials.

Evaluation criteria: in the evaluation of your submissions Taplast will take into account the following criteria:
Functionality / Usability (5/5)
Economic sustainability (5/5)
Degree of innovation (4/5)
Project submission (4/5)
Eco-sustainability (3/5)

Contest Timeline
Add the contest to your calendar

Upload phase: 9th November 2017– 28th February 2018 (1.59 PM UTC)
Client Vote: from 28th February 2018
Winner announcement: approximately before the end of April 2018

Optional deadlines
Concept revision: 9th December 2017 (1.59 PM UTC)

Concept revision: deadline for requiring an optional revision of your project by the Desall team. In order to request a revision, upload your project and save it as draft (SAVE DRAFT) from the upload page and send your request to the Desall Team via e-mail or through the contact form. The revision is NOT mandatory: it serves only as a further opportunity for the participants but does not constitute a condition for participation, nor does it constitute any advantage in the final evaluation.

Eligibility and submission
Participation is free of charge and open to designers and creative talents of any nationality aged 18 years or older. Participants can present one or more projects, but only the projects published on the web site, via the upload page related to “Rethink the dispensing experience” will be accepted.

1st: €4000
The selection of the winner by Taplast will be the result of an unquestionable evaluation and it will take into account originality, feasibility and consistency with the brief presented.

Option right
For the duration of the option right, the Sponsor offers an extra chance to all participants setting a price of Euro 2,000.00= (two-thousand/00) for the purchase of the license for the economical exploitation of the projects not-acknowledged as the winning proposals.

For more info, please login and read the Contest Agreement from the upload page. For questions about the brief please use the “Have a question” button or write to We invite you to download the PDF of the brief for some extra guidelines and advices for your submission.

Revision 1 01 Feb, 18

In response to the several requests received by our users, the deadline for submissions has been postponed to Feb 28th. Given the extra time available, we remind you that the primary interest of Taplast is for the dispenser for the pouch solution, as described in paragraphs "Product typology" and "Product features". As usual, multiple submissions per user are allowed.


Since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.

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Desall required files

Minimum 1 image, up to 5.
Recommended dimensions: 960 x 720px (player size) ; allowed format: .jpg , .gif , .png; color mode: RGB;
allowed resolution: 72 dpi ; max file (for each one) size: 1 mb.






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