Contests / Solar Outdoor Light Collection / Brief
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Solar Outdoor Light Collection
closed : 21 Jul 20
253 entries
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21 Jul 20

New product design contest on Shenzhen Lead Opto – Technology and Desall invite you to design a new collection of outdoor solar lights.
Company description
Shenzhen Lead Opto – Technology Co., Ltd. is an enterprise specializing in the production of LED solar lights. Its development and production headquarters is located in Shenzhen, China. At present, their top-selling product has 42 global patents and 129 domestic patents. We have successfully cooperated with many international well-known customers to provide high quality, fast delivery and excellent service.
What we are looking for
The brief is available in the following languages:
- Italian
- English
Download the Material files
Start creating your inspiration wall using the Inspiration tab and get inspired by the hints of other creatives!
Shenzhen Lead Opto – Technology invites you to design a collection of solar outdoor lamps dedicated to home courtyards, characterised by a great attention to detail and innovation.
For the correct realisation of your proposals, keep into consideration the following guidelines:
Product typology: you are invited to design a collection of 3 innovative low-power solar outdoor lamps, consisting of 1 wall lamp and 2 lamps of other typologies, including for example: external garage lights, column lights, garden lights, others at your discretion. With no need to be attached to the power grid, the lamps might be installed and freely moved by the consumer, also opening the possibility to cover a wider area in the courtyard and annexed outdoor space, by employing several lamps (even more than 3), creating a customisable illuminated area.
Functionalities: the lamps will be powered by solar panels - embedded in the design – that will allow the consumer to install and reposition the lamps where most needed. In support to its basic functionalities, the lamps you design will be equipped with motion detector (Smart PIR sensor) and might also include other technologies at your discretion, in other to expand their functionalities (see Technologies paragraph below).
Size: there are no specific indications for the size of your lamps, provided they are in line with the current market offer of low-power solar lamps. For the size of your lamps, take into consideration also the approximate size of the solar panel you are going to include, based on the watt output, ranging from 1 to 10 watts (you may refer to same output solar panels already available on the market). Please refer to the Material files for some examples and some further info on the main components.
Materials and production technologies: the lamps shall be designed with a view to their industrialisation and keeping into consideration mass production technologies (for ex. injection moulding, etc.). They shall be mainly made of ABS plastics (main body) and PC (polycarbonate) for the transparent surfaces. At your discretion, the possibility to also use some metal (or other suitable materials) components. As outdoor lamps, they must be dust and water sprays resistant, ideally fully compliant with IP54 requirement (optional/nice to have).
Technologies: the lamps you design shall be equipped with:
- Solar panel: its power will be between 1 to 10 watts, depending on the expected luminance output; its shape can be square, round, trapezoidal or other regular shapes. Its surface will be rigid, so it cannot be bent.
- Battery: from 1 to 4 lithium batteries, depending on the lamp power (more info in the Material files ).
- Smart PIR Sensor: motion detector, shaped as a half sphere.
At your discretion the possibility to include other technologies to make the lamps even smarter. The lamps must be perceived as smart products, so the innovation you suggest plays an important role in the brief.
Style and shapes: the 3 lamps of your collection shall have the same family feeling, sharing a common design code. They shall be designed with a great attention to detail and aesthetics, drawing inspiration from a minimal and modern style. You are free to suggest the shapes you prefer, ideally suggesting compact volumes, based on your design concept. Their aesthetics shall be one of the distinctive traits that make them stand out from other competitor products (see Inspiration tab to learn more about the current market).
Target: the lamps are for outdoor use only and shall be specifically designed for home courtyards and family consumers.
Values to convey: the lamps you design shall be perceived as smart, technological and eco-friendly products. They shall match the target customer expectations, ideally meeting their lifestyle and emotional needs.
Deliverables: upload all the images that better present your collection (3 different lamps, 1 wall lamp and 2 other typologies), providing 3D renderings, descriptions and other materials at your discretion. For a better evaluation of your project, please also include 3D CAD files in a .ZIP archive to attach from the upload page. The archive may contain additional materials (high-res images, PDFs, etc.).
Evaluation criteria: in the evaluation of your submissions the Sponsor will take into account the following criteria:
Degree of Innovation (5/5)
Aesthetics (5/5)
Usability (4/5)
Reaching target customer (4/5)
Technical feasibility (3/5)
Contest timeline
Add the contest to your calendar
Upload phase: 09th April 2020 – 09th June 2020 (1.59 PM UTC)
Client Vote: from 09th June 2020
Winner announcement: approximately by 08th August 2020
Optional deadlines
Concept revision: 10th May 2020 (1.59 PM UTC)
Concept revision: deadline for requiring an optional revision of your project by the Desall team. In order to request a revision, upload your project, include the description project and save it as draft (SAVE DRAFT) from the upload page and send your request to the Desall Team via e-mail or through the contact form. The revision is NOT mandatory: it serves only as a further opportunity for the participants but does not constitute a condition for participation, nor does it constitute any advantage in the final evaluation.
Eligibility and submission
Participation is free of charge and open to designers and creative talents of any nationality aged 18 years or older. Participants can present one or more projects, but only the projects published on the web site, via the upload page related to “Solar Outdoor Light Collection” will be accepted.
1°: €5000
The selection of the winner by Shenzhen Lead Opto – Technology will be the result of an unquestionable evaluation and it will take into account originality, feasibility and consistency with the brief presented.
Option right
For the duration of the option right, the Sponsor offers an extra chance to all participants setting a fee of Euro 3,500.00= (three-thousand-five-hundred/00) for the purchase of the license for the economical exploitation of the projects not-acknowledged as the winning proposals.
For more info, please login and read the Contest Agreement from the upload page. For questions about the brief please use the “Have a question” button or write to We invite you to download the PDF of the brief for some extra guidelines and advices for your submission.
Since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.
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Desall required files
Minimum 1 image, up to 5.
Recommended dimensions: 960 x 720px (player size) ; allowed format: .jpg , .gif , .png; color mode: RGB;
allowed resolution: 72 dpi ; max file (for each one) size: 1 mb.