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Everything about myself

Ettore Scarfone
United Arab Emirates
“My life, my curiosity, my quest for beauty has taught me the value and the power of creativity, how to use it to create powerful visual languages to inspire and drive people to thinking of Identity as a language of pictures and text that makes more comprehensible a company’s message”.

As an accomplished Graphic Designer and Branding professional with over 15 years of International experience, a creative family environment drove my profession since an early age.

My mission is helping entrepreneurs develop their brands through creative design and strong relationships with clients.

I do believe that a brand is not just a logo; like your name doesn't define who you are, but your story, the set of values you believe, and the way you present yourself to attract the right people around you, a brand is your promise to your customer; it tells them what they can expect from your products and services. Your brand derives from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be.

The list and scope of my experiences has grows with each project working for a wide range of clients in varying industries from Food, Healthcare, Lifestyle, Manufacture, Government to Digital. I like to keep a promise to all my clients that no matter what, from day one till the end of the process and beyond, I will be there to help, guide and advise along the brands journey to success.
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